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Bruce Cook – President & Founder of Choosing the Best
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Bruce Cook is president and CEO of Choosing the Best, a national leader in abstinence-centered, sexual risk avoidance curricula, training, and resources. Over 5,000,000 students across the United States have completed the Choosing the Best program since 1993. Bruce has also served as Board Chair for the National Abstinence Education Association (NAEA).

Bruce is considered a national expert on empowering teens to choose abstinence until marriage. Bruce has over thirty years of experience in educational training and has authored over 25 educational training programs used extensively in business, professional, and educational communities. Bruce is a graduate of The Georgia Institute of Technology and the Harvard University Graduate School of Business.

Bruce has also been active in Georgia community affairs. In September 2003, Bruce was appointed by Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue to serve as Chairman of the Board of the Department of Human Resources. Since that time, Bruce has been appointed to the Commission for A New Georgia, chaired a task force for improving how public mental health services should be provided in Georgia, and appointed to the board of the Department of Community Health.