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What is “Evidence-Based?”

The term “evidence-based” is reserved for programs that have been proven through rigorous evaluation to reduce:

  • Teenage pregnancy;
  • Behavioral risks underlying teenage pregnancy; or
  • Other associated risk factors among teens age 19 and younger.

– Office of Adolescent Health, Department of Health and Human Services


What are the criteria for Evidence-Based Programs?


Criteria for Evidence-Based Programs1

Choosing the Best 

   Behavioral change.


+ Experimental design.


+ Intervention and comparison/control groups.


+ Randomly assigned participants to groups.


+ Collect data before and after intervention.


+ Significantly different behavior change.


+ Change is in a positive direction.





 1According to Dr. Douglas Kirby, one of world’s leading researchers on evidence-based programs to reduce sexual risk taking, 2012 ETR video.